
Ruin A Country, Reap Rewards

"San Francisco Speculators", illustr...
Don't worry, it only looks like a racist caricature

Brendan Howlin has soberly explained that they looked at all the options and reached the conclusion that burning the senior bondholders would not be worth the consequent costs. This is sensible.

It is not however what they promised, and it’s not why we voted for them.

If not this way, then how are we going to punish the speculators, the people who drove house prices into the idiosphere and turned a healthy growing economy into molten radioactive waste? It seems we are not going to punish these people. We are in fact going to reward them.

So who will be to blame when they do it again?

2 replies on “Ruin A Country, Reap Rewards”

I’ve stopped believing anything any party promises during an election. At best, policy documents are aspirational, outlining what the party would *like* to do in power. I’ve come round to voting for the party which displays the most integrity. That and giving a preference to the party which has been out of power for so long that I’ve forgotten how they fugged us over the last time.

I’ve stopped believing anything any party promises during an election. At best, policy documents are aspirational, outlining what the party would *like* to do in power. I’ve come round to voting for the party which displays the most integrity. That and giving a preference to the party which has been out of power for so long that I’ve forgotten how they fugged us over the last time.

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