Cosmography Technology

My Furst Day In Scoohl, Part 2

Fred Ott's Sneeze (film by William K.L. Dickson)
Fred Ott’s Sneeze (film by William K.L. Dickson) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Please excuse the flailing around. I’ve not been getting much time to keep up the blog. Bad enough that it’s the first week in college, with all that that entails. But – perhaps due to the sudden change in routine – I’ve come down with a nasty cold as well. I mean, really nasty. So much so that I wonder if it’s not actually mental illness brought on by the sudden increase in workload and stress. I feel depressed, have slowed reaction times, difficulty remembering what I’m supposed to be doing, constant tiredness, sneezing.

Well, I suppose the sneezing does remove any ambiguity.

It’s an oddly mental cold though. I find my sense of time is badly affected. Not timing, that would be bad enough, but time itself. I sometimes forget it’s the present. Which is unhelpful. It is important to be fully aware that the things one is experiencing are actually happening and not just a memory. Especially when driving.

My powers of concentration are, to put it mildly, impaired. To put it colourfully, I have the attention span of someone falling downstairs on fire. So it’s week one and I’m already behind in my work. I’ll tell you about the other two core elements of my first year’s courses – Database Systems, and Systems Development & Project Management – when I catch them and pin them down. All I really know so far is that they use the word “systems” quite a lot, and they are nothing I ever in the past for one moment envisaged myself studying.

3 replies on “My Furst Day In Scoohl, Part 2”

Ah Richard so sorry to hear that you are feeling so sick. The common cold they call it, but I can see “nothing” common with it!
At least you have day 1 over.Now just to get you past the next two days. Plenty of honey and lemon hot drinks and as many aspirin or paracetamol as is legal to take! Hope you feel better soon, Cath.

Thanks! I hope you had a good time in Dublin. Probably it’s all just a deep subconscious excuse to avoid work. Huge, mostly tedious books were never my cup of tea. I think I’m getting better though – I’m getting some reading done anyway.

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